Comedy BreakGlobal Warming/Climate Change

Trading Places

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Courtesy: Throbgoblins

The carbon market, being as bolloxed as every other market, has screwed the price of carbon into the ground. One result of this is that the contribution to emissions reductions made by Germany’s world-beating renewables industry is offset by the ease with which less scrupulous players can get their hands on the newly liberated excess permits – thus enabling carbon spewers to party like there’s no tomorrow.

One Comment

  1. Hi

    Well, I am thrilled to read an industry leading country is taken on the challenges and invests and create renewable s’ and with such an incredible result: 15% of a non-carbon producing energy in a cold climate country, of high living standard and high population.

    Just think what this 15% in actual physical energy represents. How much zap does our 21 Mill person population in OZ use?

    Some 250 000 jobs created from a new industry. I would love to have such job possibilities here in OZ?

    Do I see this right:
    looks like that the big ones endeavour to reduce CO2 emissions, by enforcing an international “currency” system with obligation- power and the proviso that one can reduce one’s obligations and by buying points, or one can make money by selling points.
    A penalty system with off set facilities and free trading market flair.

    Kind of clever. So the problem seems the effect free trading has on a (penalty system )carbon points.

    The incentive to reduce co2 emission is to reduce CO2 obligation and to make money, Ergo: turning the once obligation (demand) for carbon points into surplus (supply)of points, and cash them in.

    But the more we conserve energy and the more we create energy from renewable sources, the more points are for sale. The more points are for sale the lower their value. So buying points is cheaper than investing in alternative energy, thus reducing the penalty effect of the points.

    The Spiegel article indicates, the challenge is to regulate the VALUE these CARBON BUGS, rather than leaving it up to Supply and Demand forces.

    The result being :
    The CO2 readings in Europe did not reduce, yet.
    May be this has many reasons. Can we know them all? e.g. increase in demand on energy due to population growth or industrialisation, the discussed low value of carbon bugs, concessions for developing countries ….
    hey, it would be nice to think that the efforts slowed down an Co2 emission increase!

    The investment may cash in when fossil fuels are scares or the dependence on them will become oppressive.

    Germany use 300mm in ceilings and 200mm thick wall insulation materials in renovations and new homes and are replacing double panel windows in favour of triple glass panelled windows, for many years now. Some say they are up ‘in the front’ in the solar industry. There a low to nil’ energy homes that heat up on body temperature and lights with energy recovery systems for spend air and waste water. Can recovering the warmth from your toilet water reduce the value of carbon points? Should we not have recovered the energy from there?

    The setting is international and there are many countries in the same “boat” , some paddle faster and others paddle less, but all acknowledging to be in the same boat. There is a lot of paddling into the right direction going on, allowing for new ways to to be commercial utilised on a great scale.

    We have new clean developments on the market because of the big players working the carbon point system. It will be interesting to see, how the point system can stay a driving force?

    keep up the spirit

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